Electrolysis treatment involves the use of small electrical pulses delivered via a fine probe to resolve a variety of issues such as skin tags, unwanted hair and red veins. All our therapists have received specialist training on the application of Electrolysis treatments as your comfort and safety is our highest priority. A consultation is required prior to treatment and in many cases, such as hair removal, a course of treatments is required.

Electrolysis treatment is charged on a time basis. Future top-ups may be required to maintain optimal results.

Book Online to arrange your patch test.


To make your appointment online select a treatment, therapist and a time that suits you from the menus below. Your appointment will be confirmed by email.  To request an appointment with Susan please call the salon  on 0404 61295. Cancellations: 24 hour notice required, otherwise treatments will be charged at full price.  We look forward to seeing you at Eden.